Our Updates
First, we are out with the old...
...And in with the new (well used, new to us) :)
I still have my car. Rob traded in his G6 for a 2011 Dodge Ram 1500.
Second, for those who didn't know, Rob did get an awesome job in April with one of our local news channels working in the engineering department, doing his IT thing. :)
Thirdly, Rob graduated last month with 2 Associate Degrees! Computer Networking Hardware and Computer Networking Software are his 2 degrees he graduated with. He chose not to walk across the stage, which I support his decision on not walking across stage. So we do not have any graduation pictures of him. We do have some pictures from Vanessa's (Rob's twin sister, yes he has a twin sister, who is known as Aunt Sassa) graduation. She graduated with her Bachelor's in Nursing.
Rob's in the back row, then left to right front row, Mallorie, Vanessa, and myself. I was messing around with the camera on my phone. It looks a little weird because it is on the cartoon setting.
Today we got to go meet little Audrey, Rob's cousin Ken and Gina's little girl. She was born on the first, and she is a little cutie with tons of hair.
Ken and Audrey
We can't wait until we can do play dates soon with Audrey! (And Lily, Rob's niece, too!)
Baby Updates
We are 32 weeks 3 days today. We have 53 days left until our due date!! :)
32 Weeks 3 days
Everything is going well, I am on track for weight gain. We have not had any issues. We are doing good. He likes to move a lot and keep his butt up under my right ribs. He is head down according to the 3D ultrasound pictures we did last Saturday. (Some of those pictures to follow). He definitely is still a boy, and we are definitely still not telling anyone the name. We have chosen not to tell anyone until he is born. :) Sorry :) Haha.
3D Pictures May 26, 2012
He is definitely still a boy!
His right eye is open :)
Sucking his thumb
Hands in face
Again hands in his face
Sticking his tongue out :-P
Our next appointment is this Wednesday. Will try to update than!