Monday, July 16, 2012

Baby Shower Galore, An Award, 2 weeks apart, 4th of July

Sorry for the delay in posting, things have been kind of crazy trying to get ready for our little man to get here! This will be a quick update, and I will do a longer one on Wednesday, or Thursday.

Preview of some next posts:

We have had 2 baby showers, one in April up in Buffalo, and one last month here in Ohio. I will go into details in later posts, with pictures. The Buffalo shower was for my side of the family and family friends up there. It was put together by my Step-mom Danielle, with wonderful help from her cousin Cheryl, my mom, and Rob's family. It was wonderful to see everyone, we even had a surprise guest from Vegas! The shower here in Ohio was for Rob's family and our friends. It was put together by Rob's family and my mom. It was a "Roar"-ing good time! Pictures and details will follow in a later post. I also made a surprise day trip to Buffalo to stop by my sister Katie's baby shower.

Rob had to go away for 2 weeks for his AT (annual training) for the Army. He also received an award before leaving, for his job at AT last year! :)

4th of July was a good time with friends and family, until the fireworks...

Updates with a belly picture will be posted Wednesday or Thursday, after my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. 10 days until our due date! We are getting very excited and anxious!

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