Thursday, July 26, 2012

Doctor's Appointment :)

I went to the doctor's yesterday for a check, everything is looking good. :) I am 1 1/2- 2 cm dilated, 75% effaced (thinned out). She says she will be surprised if I make it to my next appointment next Wednesday. She did strip my membranes. She says this works 50% of the time in putting woman into labor. All it does help the contractions start, sometimes in kicks starts labor, and others just get some contractions and that is it. I have been feeling "crampy" since she did this yesterday, but nothing too strong to send me to the hospital. So, hopefully this will kick start everything and he will be here soon! :)

As for us, there is not much new. We have been working and just walking together when we can, and getting  the last little things done. Hopefully I will be able to post pictures soon of his room! :)

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