Saturday, October 6, 2012

Catching Up

Wow, sorry everyone that it has been a while since I posted. Things have gotten kind of busy. With Mason staying more alert more, I am not on as much to even try to think to update. Look for pictures at the end :)

Rob and I are doing really good, keeping busy with work, Mason, and looking for our own place. Rob is the one really doing the research on the houses and looking at them. I am excited though. :) I started back to work on the 25th of September (a Tuesday). It was nice to return to work and get back into that routine. While I am at work, Mason goes over to Aunt Heather's house for daycare. For those who don't know, Heather is Rob's older sister, and she has her own in-home daycare. He is doing good over there, and the other kids love him. I just had an interview on the 5th of October for a full time position at a different branch, with the same company. I should know something with in this coming week. The new supervisor is someone I have worked with before and she suggested I apply. We are hoping I get this position, not only because I will be making more money, but I will have the benefits. My hourly rate will go down, but I do get the benefits, which I do not get right now. But over all, I will be getting paid more. Rob is enjoying work, they are in between projects right now, so they are kind of relaxing, just getting the little things done around the office, and anything that comes up. :) They just finished moving people to the building across the street and because they did such a good job, they got to go out to lunch. :)

Now, on to Mason. On, August 29th (1 month!!) he was weighed at the doctor's and he weighed 10 pounds 8.5 ounces. On September 22, we went in for his 2 month check up and shots. He weighed 11 pounds 11.4 ounces. He was 23 1/2 inches long, and his head circumference is 15 inches. He did really well getting his shots. He got 3 that day. The first shot, he kind of just looked at me with a confused face, like he saying thinking, "what was that?!". The second shot he cried for 2 seconds as the nurse was taking it out. But as soon as she stuck him for the third shot he cried as to say "mom, I am so done with these!!". But I was able to calm him down just about 10 seconds after that shot was over. We go back on Rob's birthday just for a quick weight check, than we will return in November for his 4 month check up and shots. We are just going for the weight check later this month just so they can keep an eye on his weight. He growth chart is showing his weight gain, is slowing down a little, and they just want to keep an eye on it to be safe. Another reason, is that he has been spitting up more than what is normal for a baby, to the fact that he is wearing bibs so we don't have to change his outfit 3 times a day. We can just switch out the bibs, if we have to. His spitting up got worse all of a sudden so the doctor ordered an ultrasound and blood work to test for pyloric stenosis. It is what I had when I was a baby, and my dad also had it. It is more common in boys, and it is not common to be passed down, but for the fact I beat those 2 statistics, we have been keeping an eye on him just in case. Pyloric stenosis is when the muscle leading out of the stomach to, I believe, the small intestine, becomes large and closes. Nothing can pass through so everything just comes back out in a projectile vomit way. His ultrasound and blood work came back clear. So the doctor thinks it may be reflux. We are trying different things, and his spitting up has gotten so much better. The past few days, it has come back, but it is not that bad at all. We are going to keep an eye on him and work on trying different things to help him out. He doesn't seem to be in pain or anything. He lets us know when he is hungry, which has been every 2 hours, when he is getting tired, or dirty diaper. Besides that he really doesn't cry. Okay, well except when he is laying on the floor on his tummy to do tummy time. He starts off okay with it, than he just cries until we roll him over. Speaking of rolling over... On September 14, Mason rolled over for the first time!! From his tummy to his back. He has rolled over about 10 times for us, but he hasn't done it in about 2 weeks for us... Hopefully he will continue rolling over soon. I like watching him start to get frustrated that he is laying on his tummy, but when he rolls over, he usually calms down not long after rolling over. :) Besides that, he has been super smiley for us, starting to get more interested in things with lights, like the tv, (he loves watching football), Rob's tablet for work, and our phones. He did get a toy stacker, that lights up and makes noise, that I just tried out with him for the first time, and he seems to enjoy the lights. He definitely is still our little mover, he likes to be on the move. We had gotten a super seat at one of our showers, and he seems to enjoy sitting in there. The super seat is similar to the Bumbo, but it already came with the seat belt, there is a big circular tray that can be rotated around him that has toys on it. It does convert to a booster seat when he gets older. He is not interested in the toys yet, but soon enough I have a feeling he will be. In the past few weeks, he has discovered his hands and the fact that he can put them into his mouth and suck on them. He is starting to look at his feet, so I have been taking his socks off to show him his feet, and what they look like with out the socks on. His head control has gotten so, so much better. :) At the beginning of September Mason traveled with us up to Buffalo to see, and meet some family. We are hoping to go back up soon, but we have to see with our schedules when we can go up there. On one of our days off together, Rob, Mason, and I went to the zoo. He slept through pretty much the whole thing, but it was a nice day. :) I think that all that has gone on since I updated. Well, it is all what I can remember for now. Haha. We are hoping to go to a pumpkin patch this month. :) I will try to get better on updating the blog for everyone! And now, for pictures. :)

Mason and I watching some football

Mason smiling

Mason 1 month old :)

Great Grandma Shelia and Mason

Great Great Grandma (aka Granny) and Mason

Great Grandma Sue and Mason

Cousin Christina and Mason

Great Great Uncle Dick and Mason

Great Grandma Sue and Mason

Great Great Aunt Phyllis and Mason

Cathy and Mason (Grandma Sue's friend)

Cousin Ali and Mason

Grandpa and Mason

Aunt Sydney and Mason

Aunt Sydney and Mason

Aunt Sydney and Mason

Mason watching tv

Mason making noises

Mason and his mohawk

Mason and I at a friend's wedding reception

Daddy and Mason watching football. Yes Mason is holding his own bottle

Mason 2 months old

Mason 2 months old

Daddy and Mason

Joe Boxer and Mason

Mason in the Army crawl position (no crawling yet)

Mason Smiles! :)

Hope everyone enjoyed the update and pictures! Take care and Good night! Oh speaking of night, Mason is pretty much sleeping through the night, he is usually in bed by midnight and wakes up at 7 am!! :) Yay! (Knock on wood that I don't jinx it...)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for sleeping through the night! and HOORAY for the adorable Mason smiles!!!!! SO CUTE!!!
    I miss you all!
