Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quick Update

This is just a quick update. I will be posting pictures later on. Yesterday Mason went to the doctor for a weight check and he now weighs 13 pounds 11.4 ounces! We go back in a month for his 4 month check up, yes I did just say 4 month check up... Time is flying by so fast!! He will be getting more shots next month as well. He is starting to roll from his belly to his back for us again! :) On October 16, at daycare, Mason decided he wanted to get frustrated and roll for the first time from his back to to belly. And of course, he got even more frustrated because he was on his stomach. :) We have not seen him ourselves go from back to belly, but there is absolutely no rush in that right now! It would be cool to see, but no rush. Haha. Mason has tried out his jump a roo. There are times where he just touches the ground and others he feet are just a quarter of an inch from the ground. He really enjoys it and stares down the monkey toy. :) He hasn't gotten the concept of jumping yet, but we do the bouncing for him. :) We work on sitting up with him when he is in his boppy. He is doing good with that, he still leans but that is okay. We are in no super rush to get him sitting up perfectly right away. He needs to slow down with his milestones. Haha. He loves to stand and wobble. We definitely will be in trouble as soon as he starts moving. :)

Rob and Aunt Sassa's birthday was yesterday. We had some ice cream cake and opened gifts over at Rob's parents house. Rob says he had a good birthday. :) 

I didn't get the full time position at another branch, but I was "promoted" (per say) to part time at my branch. I get more hours, and benefits, but I knew I would have to take a pay cut when I moved up to part time or full time. But I make it up in hours, and I also get benefits. (Not to worry though Mason is covered on Rob's insurance).

That is it for now. I will include pictures next post. :)

1 comment:

  1. Time really is going by fast. I'm glad Rob had a good birthday!! And even though you told me before, I'll say again that I'm really happy for you getting the 'promotion'. Keep moving up the ladder as you are! Congratulations!
