Tuesday, August 21, 2012

3 weeks old and a bunch of pictures!

I can't believe that it has been just over 3 weeks since Mason has made his way into the world. I just wish time would just slow down. He is getting bigger and stronger every day. He is holding his head up longer and longer, but he can't hold it up all day on his own. He pushes off whatever he can with his legs, he has gotten out of his sleep positioner in his crib. He is becoming more aware as the days go by. He definitely knows who his mommy is. My mom got Mason a swing to hopefully help him get to sleep in the middle of the night when he tries to be a little rock star. He pretty much likes it, unless he is super cranky. The swing does put him to sleep, until it stops. He than will wake up. It is a nice place to set him down for a quick nap for him, so I can get somethings done, or so we can eat dinner. He is eating and sleeping well. We are still trying to get his days and nights in order, and it has been getting a lot better. His next doctor's appointment is not until the end of September for his 2 month check up, and that is when he will be getting some shots. Besides that we have just been hanging out around the house together. :) Now here are some pictures! :)

He slept as he got changed

Tummy Time

Tummy Time 30 seconds later

The guys watching TV

Sleeping in his car seat at the bank

Mason and his protector Joe

The end of a smile I tried to catch.
You can kind of see his dimples :)

Sleeping at Quaker Steak and Lube

My Packard guys with a 1937 Packard

Trying out his swing for the first time

Joe sitting by Mason (he's in the pack and play)
Mason was making some fussy noises, and Joe was checking on him :)

That's it for now. I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. The "Ooo" picture is one of my favorites. Made me giggle. :)
