Monday, August 20, 2012

A 1st Birthday, 2 Weeks Old, and Browns Practice!

We have had an eventful weekend, 2 weekends ago. I had 2 parties to go to, and Mason turned 2 weeks old! :) He also had his 2 week check up last Monday. :) I first had a Bridal Shower to go to for my friend Donna, who's wedding I will be in at the end of September. Than we had to head over to Lily's (Rob's niece) 1st Birthday Party! :) We also went to the Browns Family Night/Practice on Thursday. We also hung out for a little bit at Rob's cousin Kim's house to see his Aunt and Uncle from Georgia. :)

Lily's 1st Birthday!

Lily turned 1 on Saturday, the 11th! Her party theme was a fish/under the sea theme. It was a great theme and party! :) We got Lily her 1st fish, a baby betta fish, to go with the theme of her party. :) It was a great time! I did start to fade away and get tired towards the end of the party, but I had a great time. Mason was passed around between family, and he stayed quite content. We only had one maybe two fussy moments but he was pretty good. He slept majority of the time, but did open his eyes at times. :)

Lily and Heather checking out Lily's cupcake

Some of the awesome cupcakes!

Candy Sushi!

Lily working on her cupcake :)

Tim and Lily checking out her fish we got her

Cousin Audrey (2 months) and Mason (2 weeks)

2 Weeks Old!

Mason just went for his 2 week check up last Monday. He is now 9 pounds and 9 ounces! We are still working out a schedule, which is kind of hard, when Mason has his days and nights a little mixed up. He stays up pretty late, and than will sleep. We are trying to keep him up more during the day to hopefully start getting his days and nights in order. He gets the hiccups a lot, which causes him to have gas build up, so we are working on helping him with that. Besides those 2 things, he is doing pretty good. We work on some tummy time and let him lay on his play mat and look at the toys hanging above him. 

Play Mat wore him out!

Such a cute little pose

Zoned out

Hanging out at Rob's cousin Kim's House
Rob's mom is on the couch, I am holding Lily, and Rob and Mason

Myself, Kayla, Rob
Lily, Mason
(L-R, Back to Front)

Browns Family Night/ Practice

Two Thursdays ago, Rob, Mason, Tim, and myself went down to Browns Stadium for the Browns Family Night/ Open Practice. It was a good time, but I do have to say going to Browns practice in Berea is better than at Browns Stadium. In Berea, you are at their level watching them practice. At the stadium, you are in the seats above the players. Yes, it is a cool, free way to check out the stadium if you have never been there, but I like it better when we are at their level watching them practice. Thinking we were not going to be able to bring the stroller in, we tried out our baby carrier (where he is up against my chest). That was an event on its own! It took us a little bit to figure out how to put it on me, and than tighten it up. I felt like I was going to drop him! But I didn't. :) Mason did really good. He would make some faces when it got loud from people cheering or them talking over the loud speaker. But he did pretty good! He did get fussy at the end, but we get up and walk around and he was fine. :)

Sound asleep on Mommy :)

Mason, Rob, and Tim (Mason's godfather)

The Boys again :)

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